# Form

Form validation is the process of ensuring that user input is clean, correct, and useful. Typical validation tasks are:

has the user filled in all required fields?

has the user entered a valid data?

The simplest HTML5 validation feature is the required attribute. In su-form we need to mention like this.

fnRules: [{ required: true }],
lnRules: [{
    required: true, message: "Please enter your last name"

If you try submitting the form without providing any values in these fields it throws error message. We can even provide custom error message like how in lnRules. Please refer demo below.

# Usage

<su-form @submit.prevent="doProceed" ref="contactForm">
    <su-input type="text" :rules="fnRules" v-model="firstname" static-label no-error label="First name" placeholder="Enter first name"></su-input>
    <su-input type="text" :rules="lnRules" v-model="lastname" static-label no-error label="Last name" placeholder="Enter last name"></su-input>

    <su-button class="button button-blue" type="submit">Next</su-button>

export default {
    data () {
        return {
            firstname: '',
            lastname: '',
            fnRules: [{ required: true }],
            lnRules: [{
                required: true, message: "Please enter your last name"
    methods: {
        doProceed () {
            if (!this.$refs["contactForm"].validate()) {

# Demo

# Custom validation

Simple form validation is really easy. We can achieve with required attribute, but let's say the use cases are like

  • to accept only mobile number
  • to accept only properly formatted URLs
  • to accept only IPv4 address
  • to accept only date input
  • to accept only Latitude/Longitude

before form submission. Then we need to do custom form validation only. To achieve this we can add custom validation in rules. Please refer below code to achieve custom form valiation in su-form.

# Usage

<su-form @submit.prevent="doProceed" ref="contactForm">
    <su-input type="text" :rules="userRules" v-model="user" static-label no-error label="User ID" placeholder="Enter user id"></su-input>
    <su-input type="number" :rules="mobileRules" v-model="mobile" hide-spinner static-label no-error label="Phone no" placeholder="Enter phone no"></su-input>

    <su-button class="button button-blue" type="submit">Next</su-button>

export default {
    data () {
        let lengthValidator = (rule, value) => {
			if (rule.min) {
				if (value.length < rule.min) {
					return new Error(rule.label + " should be minimum of " + rule.min + " characters.")
			} else if (rule.max) {
				if (value.length > rule.max) {
					return new Error(rule.label + " should be more than " + rule.max + " characters.")
        return {
            user: '',
            mobile: '',
            userRules: [
                { validator: lengthValidator, min: 6 }
            mobileRules: [
                { required: true, message: "Please enter your mobile no." }
    methods: {
        doProceed () {
            if (!this.$refs["contactForm"].validate()) {

# Demo