<su-otp :otp-length="otpLength" :otp-values="otpValues" box-height="32" box-width="36" @update-otp="updateOtp"></su-otp>
export default {
	data () {
    return {
      otpLength: 5,
      otpValues: []
  methods: {
    updateOtp (val) {
      console.log('val: ', val)

# Props

# otp-length (required)

type Number

Use to specify length of the OTP.

# otp-value (required)

type Array of integers example [2,1,3,5,6]

Use to assign values to the otp field.

# box-height (not required)

type Number

Use to specify otp field height.

# box-width (not required)

type Number

Use to specify otp field width.